Vatican II vs. Florence
Reading Time: < 1 minute “Each conciliar document has a fundamentally different intention, the former focusing on Christian unity with the East, not formally commenting on the subject of other religions, and the latter systematically and thoroughly commenting on that matter; given their different intentions, there is clearly no contradiction here. The assumptions each council makes are also starkly different. The former assumes that its audience has no excuse to leave the visible Church because the Gospel has been thoroughly
Lumen Gentium’s Theology of Other Religions
Reading Time: < 1 minute “Lumen Gentium 16 holds considerable magisterial weight in its theology of other religions. It was carefully crafted by a commission of bishops and theologians, approved
The Council of Florence: No Salvation Outside the Church
Reading Time: < 1 minute “This episode has demonstrated that it would be problematic to categorize Cantate Domino’s expression of No Salvation Outside the Church as an infallible statement. Though
How to Analyze Catholic Doctrine
Reading Time: < 1 minute “Analyzing the source, type, intention, assumption, scope, reception, and interrelation of magisterial statements can help to distinguish their abiding principles from their changeable expressions and
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Vatican II and Divine Mercy: Why I Appreciate Pope Francis’s Decision on the Latin Mass
Reading Time: 16 minutes Available in Spanish here. By Christopher Centrella, Executive ProducerFranciscan University of Steubenville The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the opinions of
Expansion of the Early Church
Reading Time: 4 minutes The following was a college essay written by Joshua Pippert. It has been edited and approved by Mary Boneno. If you have a Theology essay
Totus Christus and Augustine’s Hermeneutical Center
Reading Time: 4 minutes The following was a college essay written by Joseph Tuttle. It has been edited and approved by Ariel Hobbs. If you have a Theology essay