by Mary Eisenbacher, Guest Columnist from Portland, Oregon
I went to the March For Life in Washington D.C. for the first time this year. It was a great experience to be around so many young people who are as passionate for life as I am. Going to the Portland events where there are max 1,000 people, it was great and encouraging being with that many people. It gives me hope for this generation. This is the pro-life generation.
It was different from the other pro-life events that I have been to. I have not been to any marches that involve chanting. The events that I have been involved in are mainly prayerful. That is why that I liked at the end of the march when we ran into groups that were praying the rosary. That was the most powerful part for me. The power of prayer is so strong and it is what connects many people to the pro-life cause. Growing up, that was one of the petitions that was always mentioned during our family rosaries. Prayer for the end to abortion.
Another part of the March that stuck out to me was the graphic images that they showed of the aborted babies. They make me sick every time I see them. They look so much like any other genocide pictures. I can not wait for the day when we will look back and wonder how anyone could have ever thought that it was right to end the life of a baby inside what should be the safest place for a baby, inside its mother.