Simon Falk, our former Senior Director and certified “Tree Climbing Catholic,” has a very distinct question he asks every person he ever meets: “What is the Meaning of Life?” Specifically, he asks that people confine their response to one word or phrase. Keep in mind that this is the very first thing he asks a person, often before even basic introductions. Heck, most of us atĀ Clarifying CatholicismĀ were asked this upon meeting him. To find the results of his study, which consisted of over 700 responses, we made this video above, or you can scroll through the list below!
Receiving One Vote
Absurdity |
Acceptance |
Advancement |
Afterlife |
Altruism |
Amen |
Animals |
Annapolis |
Art |
Ascending |
Awareness |
Awesomeness |
Balance |
Baseball |
Beds |
Bigfoot |
Blood Clots |
Books |
Brains |
California |
Callings |
Caritas |
Cause |
Celebration |
Cereal |
Challenges |
Chaos |
Cheese |
Children |
Choices |
Cinnabuns |
Coffee |
Coherence |
Colors |
Conclusion |
Confusion |
Conquest |
Consequence |
Contemplation |
Contradiction |
Craziness |
Curiosity |
Damnation |
Difficulty |
Diversity |
Doing Stuff |
Doughnuts |
Driving |
Easter |
Ends |
Entertainment |
Epicness |
Escapades |
Esto Vir |
Eternal Game |
Eternity |
Excellence |
Failure |
Fellowship |
Fiesta |
Fishing |
Futility |
Glory |
God’s Will |
Guacamole |
Harmony |
Hats |
Holiness |
Horribleness |
Humanitarianism |
Humility |
Hypocrisy |
Individualism |
Industry |
Ineffability |
Inspiration |
Interstingness |
Justuce |
Kindness |
Kingdom Building |
Laughter |
Learning |
Lessons |
Limitlessness |
Little Things |
Longboarding |
Macaroni |
Magic |
Marathoning |
Meaningless |
Memes |
Metallica |
Narrative |
Nicargua |
Nintendo |
No |
One Thing |
Operative Love |
Opus |
Pain |
Parenthood |
Penguins |
Personhood |
Pleasure |
Ponies |
Pop |
Power |
Practice |
Pumpkins |
Randomness |
Redemption |
Reflection |
Reputation |
Resurrection |
Roads |
Salvation |
Sanctity |
Seeking |
Self-Actualization |
Selflessness |
Senses |
Silence |
Sisyphus |
Sleep |
Smiling |
Snoopy |
Soul |
Sozo |
Struggle |
Stuff |
Subjectivity |
Suffering |
Tacos |
Taxes |
Telos |
The Light in the Refridgerator that Turns Off When You Close the Door |
Thinking |
Thriving |
Togetherness |
Transformation |
Travel |
Trump |
Undecided |
Understanding |
Unfinished |
Usefulness |
Veritas |
Waking Up Every Day |
Wandering |
War |
Wind |
Yourself |
Receiving Two Votes
Adoration |
Bacon |
Beatitude |
Chocolate |
Communion |
Existence |
Freedom |
Giving |
Goodness |
Hearts |
Hope |
Knowledge |
Light |
Logos |
Me |
Mercy |
Money |
Others |
Passion |
People |
Pie |
Potatoes |
Promise |
Puppies |
Self-Love |
Serving God |
Success |
The Eternal |
Theosis |
Trust |
Truth |
Uncertainty |
Water |
Why? |
Worship |
Yes |
Receiving Three Votes
Adventure |
Blessings |
Breathing |
Charity |
Compassion |
Connection |
Discovery |
Enjoyment |
Faith |
Grace |
Growth |
Laugh |
Music |
Paradox |
Pizza |
Praise |
Procreation |
Purpose |
Relationships |
Survival |
Thankfulness |
Unknown |
Receiving Four Votes
Being |
Excitement |
Friendship |
Fulfillment |
Sacrifice |
Trinity |
Wonder |
Receiving Five Votes
Beauty |
Community |
Exploration |
Family |
Life |
Sex |
Receiving Six Votes
Eucharist |
Experience |
Service |
Receiving Eight Votes
Death |
Food |
Fun |
Mystery |
Receiving Nine Votes: Heaven
Receiving Fifteen Votes: Joy
Receiving Sixteen Votes: Living
Receiving Forty Eight Votes: Jesus
Receiving Fifty Seven Votes: Happiness
Receiving Sixty Six Votes: God
Receiving One Hundred and Thirty One Votes: Love