Every year, we ask a few of our writers to reflect on our blessings as Americans. This year, we asked our writers what aspect of American culture they, as Catholics, were most thankful for. We hope you all have a blessed Fourth of July.
“Standing firm in a global landscape of conformity, the United States continues to provide its citizens with protections to their right of conscience. We trust that our citizens are able to make their own decisions, and we are humble enough to recognize that the government does not hold a monopoly over morality. Thanks to the value of conscience in the United States, millions of Catholics can choose God in the freest environment in the world. While our rights were indeed tested during 2021, I pray that the guardians of our heritage, the people, not a political class, can rally together to protect our society that is built on conscience.” Will Deatherage, Executive Director, The Catholic University of America
“What I appreciate most about America is the religious freedom that is unique to our nation. In America, one does not have to subscribe to any one religion, but can worship the one true God according to their conscience.” Chris Centrella, Executive Producer, Franciscan University of Steubenville
“What I appreciate the most about American Culture is the value of heroism and self-sacrifice. The gift we are given by the Founding Fathers, military, and first responders is a model of love and self-gift.” Maureen Francois, Benedictine College
“I appreciate the founding of the United States for allowing me to speak my mind and seek my God. I appreciate its people for their efforts to strive for a better country. I love the the open lands and natural wonders through which we explore our identity and a higher order. And I love the United States as it has tried to put its trust in God.” John Tuttle, Benedictine College
“I love America’s persistent, though imperfect, pursuit of its ideals of justice, peace, and democracy. Steadily as it has through every great nation in the past, the Father’s will continues to be done in and through the United States of America. On this Independence Day, I pray that Americans will be newly inspired with patriotism and eagerness to do our civic duty.” Patrick Murray, University of Alabama
“What I, as a Catholic, appreciate most about the culture of America is its understanding of human rights that is based in the natural tradition, that our rights come not from the government but from God.” Samuel Ng, University of Texas at Austin
“America is a nation built not to fill our lives but to provide their scaffolding. Thus, the American citizen is free—free to adorn the infrastructure of his life as he sees fit, free to build there an altar to the God Who created, cares for, and saves him.” Katie Brannigan, Hillsdale College
“I appreciate the United States for the Baltimore Catechism.” Bea Cuasay, University of Notre Dame