Blessed Carlo Acutis: Meet the Teen Who Could become the First Millennial Saint
Reading Time: 6 minutes By Christopher Centrella, Franciscan University Alleluia! Alleluia! “Death is defeated! The King is alive!” Just this past Saturday, October 10, the Holy Father beatified the first millennial, Blessed Carlo Acutis. Carlo was a regular teenager in so many ways—he enjoyed playing video games, was a computer genius, and loved hanging out with friends. But above […]
Understanding the Weird Timeline of Ineffabilis Deus
Reading Time: 5 minutes By Clara Gerdes, Yale University On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX pronounced Mary’s Immaculate Conception to be dogma. That Mary’s soul was freed from original sin by Christ in advance of her conception—something which Catholics already held to be true—was now a firm and indisputable article of faith for the universal Church, enshrined in […]