We Must Love Non-Catholics
Reading Time: 4 minutes The following was a college essay written by Ben Duphiney. It has been edited and approved by Paul Gillett. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. The foundation of Nostra Aetate is friendship. From its opening […]
The Annunciation: Celebrating the Humility of a Girl
Reading Time: 4 minutes By Mary Ryan, Catholic University of America Today we celebrate the most beautiful Solemnity of the Annunciation. This wonderful feast day is when we remember and joyfully commemorate the day when a humble young girl from Nazareth said “yes” to the Most Holy God. This girl was a virgin, pure and clean of heart, the […]
To Receive or not to Receive: Eucharist in the Pandemic
Reading Time: 10 minutes The opinions expressed by the below two authors do not necessarily represent those of the Clarifying Catholicism writing staff. We encourage healthy discourse in the comments below! Whenever a major and divisive crisis pops up, we at Clarifying Catholicism enjoy encouraging our writers to engage in point-counterpoint discussions of them. Our last article was on […]