Motolinia and Las Casas: Two Missionaries in the Americas
Reading Time: 8 minutes By Katherine Hugo, Franciscan University The following was a college essay written by Katie Hugo. It has been edited and approved by Christopher Centrella. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. Catholic missionary efforts abounded in […]
Finding Francesco: A Communion of Gifts and Talents
Reading Time: 10 minutes Written by Paul Gillam (Saint Louis University) | Edited by Ariel Hobbs The following was a college essay written by Paul Gillam. It has been edited and approved by Ariel Hobbs. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to […]
Blessed Carlo Acutis: Meet the Teen Who Could become the First Millennial Saint
Reading Time: 6 minutes By Christopher Centrella, Franciscan University Alleluia! Alleluia! “Death is defeated! The King is alive!” Just this past Saturday, October 10, the Holy Father beatified the first millennial, Blessed Carlo Acutis. Carlo was a regular teenager in so many ways—he enjoyed playing video games, was a computer genius, and loved hanging out with friends. But above […]
“Blessed are the Poor in Spirit”: Debunking the Prosperity Gospel
Reading Time: 6 minutes By Katya Konopacki, St. Louis University It was the winter of 2018, my Junior year of high school, when I was first introduced to the Prosperity Gospel. You see, my great home state of Wisconsin is not known for having kind winter weather and my 2008 Chevy Impala named Aragorn needed to be outfitted with […]
A Catholic Immigration Proposal
Reading Time: 12 minutes “The Lord hears the cry of the poor.” – Psalm 34 Part I: Church Teaching Amidst an extremely contentious atmosphere in the broader U.S. political culture, and in the American Catholic Church, it is easy to fall into the fallacious argument of moderation or false equivalence regarding the issue of immigration. Over the past several […]