Christ as Light in the Darkness
Reading Time: 5 minutes The following was a college essay written by Ben Duphiney. It has been edited and approved by Christopher Centrella. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. Out of pure love, God breathed forth his spirit and […]
The Incarnation as Revelation
Reading Time: 3 minutes The following was a college essay written by Katherine Stoeckl. It has been edited and approved by Mary Boneno. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. By Katherine Stoeckl, Texas A & M Revelation is the […]
Restored: Jesus Brings Us New Life
Reading Time: 4 minutes By Ellie Bixenman, Catholic University of America, En Español Here When we see the face of Jesus Christ in a painting, what is the first thought that comes to mind? Most of the time, Jesus seems so far from us because he is so powerful, reigning with God-like qualities. However, do we ever think about […]
Our Universal Mystical Vocation
Reading Time: 3 minutes By Harry Scherer, Mount St. Mary’s In no uncertain terms, the Church and the world are undergoing a time of unprecedented suffering. We look out of the windows of our homes at locked up churches, starving for the grace of sacramental nourishment. While we know, and have been told countless times, God is not bound […]
Christ’s Recapitulation of Motherhood
Reading Time: 6 minutes The following was a college essay written by Lizzie Self. It has been edited and approved by Ariel Hobbs. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. By Lizzie Self, University of Notre Dame In Showings, Julian […]
Heresy as Ignorance of Christ
Reading Time: 4 minutes By Lizzie Self In Book Three of Against Heresies, Saint Irenaeus responds to a request that he refute the doctrines of various heretics, and he proposes that this is a singular task. At the heart of the grievances between the Church and the heretics of his day was the debate over human knowledge: is […]
Which Model of Atonement Is Most Viable Today, and Why?
Reading Time: 10 minutes By Bartlomiej Staniszewski In this essay, I will argue that the most viable model of atonement today is what Aulén calls the Latin model, proposed by Saint Anselm, in which atonement (reconciliation between God, humanity, and the world)[1] is achieved by Jesus Christ taking on and satisfying man’s debt towards God.[2] I will argue that […]