Reading Time: 13 minutes By Jessica Lincoln, Benedictine College Union with God is something that every soul desires, but this union is not what it is often thought to be. Those who are united with God are those who truly follow Him. Man seeks God by following Him, and he never stops doing so. Furthermore, while the soul’s final […]
Spiritual Warfare and The Rule of St. Benedict
Reading Time: 7 minutes By Maria Keller, University of Notre Dame Note: The author mentions that St. Benedict entered combat with the powers of evil to “merit salvation.” However, it is important to make the distinction as Catholics between reaching salvation on our own merits, versus cooperating with the freely-given grace of God. God calls each of us into […]
Marian Imagery in Dante’s Paradiso
Reading Time: 6 minutes The following was a college essay written by Mary Biese. It has been edited and approved by Christopher Centrella. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. By Mary Biese, Notre Dame The Blessed Virgin Mary becomes […]
Reflections on the Universal Call to Holiness
Reading Time: 4 minutes By Joseph Tuttle, Benedictine College The Catholic Church exhorts her children to be “Perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (RSV Matthew 5:48) This is commonly known as the universal call to holiness. This means that we must live “each moment according to the Gospel.” (Zia, 15) Modern society has a lack of spiritual maturity […]
Reflection on our Pursuit of Holiness and the Pitfalls of Today
Reading Time: 5 minutes By Joshua Pippert, Benedictine College Having read the second chapter of The Enduring Faith and Timeless Truths of Fulton Sheen on Fulton Sheen’s teachings, I have to mention that these truths seem to have struck me just as well as the last, and I suspect that as I move forward in the text, Sheen will […]
The Painful Call of Ministry: Jeremiah and Lamentations
Reading Time: 8 minutes The following was a college essay written by German Lopez. It has been edited and approved by Christopher Centrella. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. By German Lopez, University of Dallas The National Certification Standards […]
Back to the Basics: The Foundations of the Spiritual Life and Our Relation to Sin
Reading Time: 12 minutes By: Colton Marks, Student of St. Louis University The age following the Protestant Revolution sparked many of the greatest saints and spiritual masters known to mankind. This time period spanning the 16th and 17th centuries produced numerous Doctors of the Church such as Francis de Sales, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross and Alphonsus […]