Blessed Among Women: From Eva to Ave
Reading Time: 8 minutes The following was a college essay written by Mary Boneno. It has been edited and approved by Michael Twohig. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. By Mary Boneno, Catholic University of America In the […]
Submission, Obedience, and Free Love for Modern American Catholics
Reading Time: 4 minutes Written by Glennamarie Rivers (Mount St. Mary’s) | Edited by Christopher Centrella The following was a college essay written by Glennamarie Rivers. It has been edited and approved by Christopher Centrella. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to […]
The Human Person as Gift: Theology of the Body
Reading Time: 9 minutes Written by Glennamarie Rivers (Mount St. Mary’s University) | Edited by Zach Maher The following was a college essay written by Glennamarie Rivers. It has been edited and approved by Zach Maher. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure […]
Suffering: Free and Fallen
Reading Time: 6 minutes By Mary Biese, University of Notre Dame It is evident that suffering plays a large part in our world, especially in our daily lives; it is an unavoidable aspect of the human experience. But why do we suffer? More specifically, how can an all-good and all-powerful God exist when suffering exists? In this essay, […]
Heresy as Ignorance of Christ
Reading Time: 4 minutes By Lizzie Self In Book Three of Against Heresies, Saint Irenaeus responds to a request that he refute the doctrines of various heretics, and he proposes that this is a singular task. At the heart of the grievances between the Church and the heretics of his day was the debate over human knowledge: is […]