Reflection on our Pursuit of Holiness and the Pitfalls of Today
Reading Time: 5 minutes By Joshua Pippert, Benedictine College Having read the second chapter of The Enduring Faith and Timeless Truths of Fulton Sheen on Fulton Sheen’s teachings, I have to mention that these truths seem to have struck me just as well as the last, and I suspect that as I move forward in the text, Sheen will […]
Can a Catholic be a Politician?
Reading Time: 2 minutes By Grady Stuckman Within our country, there arises an important question. Considering all the issues that embattle American politics, can a Catholic, in good conscience and in preservation of virtue, become a politician? An easy solution is to simply withdraw from everything and live a life of prayer and penance. Some Catholics are indeed called […]