Christ as Light in the Darkness
Reading Time: 5 minutes The following was a college essay written by Ben Duphiney. It has been edited and approved by Christopher Centrella. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. Out of pure love, God breathed forth his spirit and […]
“Silent Night: The Real Night before Christmas”
Reading Time: 2 minutes By Samuel Schirra, Catholic University ‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the landNot a donkey was braying or trudging through sand-Except near a town nearly filled to the brim,Still gaining more travelers, though sky was but dim. A woman with child, her husband right bySought refuge before her dear Baby was nighBut when […]
Advent: Why and How?
Reading Time: 6 minutes By Aidan McIntosh, Catholic University of America Welcome to Advent Reflections at Clarifying Catholicism! Throughout this season of Advent, we will be posting a variety of reflections from our writers on all different topics concerning this preparational time for the Coming of our Lord. We hope you enjoy! If you would like to commission an […]
The Prophecy of Christ: Biblical Exegesis
Reading Time: 11 minutes By Christopher Centrella The purpose of this paper is to give a commentary on Isaiah 11:1-9, first in a literal sense, and then in a spiritual sense. In order to do this, the previous few chapters in Isaiah will be briefly discussed, analyzing the historical and cultural backgrounds of the oracles, in order to determine […]
Merry Christmas, No Flavor Added
Reading Time: < 1 minute By Jeanne Hathway In the simple spirit of the first Christmas, I have one thought to offer: “The ox and the donkey understood more of the first Christmas than the high priests in Jerusalem. And it is the same today.” (Thomas Merton, American mystic) I’m no high priest, but I am much further removed from […]