Christ’s Recapitulation of Motherhood
Reading Time: 6 minutes The following was a college essay written by Lizzie Self. It has been edited and approved by Ariel Hobbs. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. By Lizzie Self, University of Notre Dame In Showings, Julian […]
Take the Church into Your Home
Reading Time: 7 minutes By Josh Mansfield Originally published at: A couple weeks ago, I was relaxing one evening and praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary for the 54-Day Rosary Novena for our Nation and for the Church. When I got to the 5th Mystery, the Crucifixion, I started meditating on our Lord’s words from the Cross to […]
Heresy as Ignorance of Christ
Reading Time: 4 minutes By Lizzie Self In Book Three of Against Heresies, Saint Irenaeus responds to a request that he refute the doctrines of various heretics, and he proposes that this is a singular task. At the heart of the grievances between the Church and the heretics of his day was the debate over human knowledge: is […]
Which Model of Atonement Is Most Viable Today, and Why?
Reading Time: 10 minutes By Bartlomiej Staniszewski In this essay, I will argue that the most viable model of atonement today is what Aulén calls the Latin model, proposed by Saint Anselm, in which atonement (reconciliation between God, humanity, and the world)[1] is achieved by Jesus Christ taking on and satisfying man’s debt towards God.[2] I will argue that […]
What Is Love?
Reading Time: 2 minutes by Alexander Koshakji The Greeks, who were better philosophers than us, were excellent at making distinctions. They had more than one word for love, such as Eros and Agape. Despite falling in the same category for love, they are polar opposites. Eros is the term the Greeks used to identify sexual passion, where as agape […]