Returning to Ancient Philosophy Preserves the Patient-Physician Relationship in a Technologically Advanced Society
Reading Time: 11 minutes The following was a college essay written by Georgina DePugh. It has been edited and approved by Maureen Francois. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. By Georgiana DePugh, University of Dallas Man can inquire back […]
As Concerns Soul
Reading Time: 39 minutes John Mancini, Rhode Island University Abstract: The following inquiry presents five different notions of soul, delving into the ones concerning Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and Carl Jung. I divide these interpretations into two main categories, mythological and rational, and then a third minor one which is a mix of the two. In explaining […]
True Friendship and Happiness in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Reading Time: 9 minutes The following was a college essay written by Mary Biese. It has been edited and approved by Ariel Hobbs. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. By Mary Biese, Notre Dame In the first book of […]
The Absolute Love of God, the ‘Uncaused Cause’
Reading Time: 6 minutes By Maureen Shumay, University of Dallas When entertaining the idea of ‘God’, one may come to a reasonable understanding of his existence, but when it comes to God’s knowledge of us, we may seem all too insignificant to merit the care of the creator of the universe. In other words, while the idea of a […]
Lying, Prudence, and the Virtue of Honesty
Reading Time: 10 minutes The following was a college essay written by Joseph Giessuebel. It has been edited and approved by Mary Boneno. If you have a Theology essay that you would like published that received a grade of an A- or higher, please be sure to contact us. By Joseph Giessuebel, Catholic University of America Lying is often […]
Practice Makes Permanent, or a Primer on Virtue
Reading Time: 5 minutes By Nick Jones, Rhode Island University One of the most important things I’ve learned so far in school for teaching is the need for students to build what is known as disciplinary literacy. This refers to methods of making meaning and of comprehension proper to particular disciplines. Students need to be taught how to think […]