Clarifying Catholicism, in partnership with the League of Catholic Bloggers, is excited to feature a few of our favorite vibrant Catholic Blogs in the below list. Not all blogs are affiliated with the League of Catholic Bloggers, but we are grateful to them for their assistance in forming this initial list. Below, we have a short list of blogs, as well as a more detailed one. To recommend additions, please comment below! Blogs are organized into the following categories:
- Aggregators: Big Pulpit, Foedus
- Apologetics: Catholic Stand, Clarifying Catholicism, Fr. Z’s Blog
- The Bible and History: Defenders of the Catholic Faith, The Scott Smith Blog
- Current Events and Politics: The American Catholic, Observations of a Catholic Newsman, The Patrick Coffin Show
- Lifestyle and Commentary: Of Intellect and Interest, One Mad Mom
- Philosophy and Ethics: The Quantum Thomist, The Way of Beauty
- Teens and Young Adults: Ignitum Today
“The Big Pulpit website is an intelligent news aggregator offering quality insight & analysis on the Catholic Church in the world. The Chief Editor is Tito Edwards.”
Foedus Catholic is home to the League of Catholic Bloggers.
“The New Evangelization is the same evangelization as ever, except that it is the evangelization of our times. We are called to an ever-new communication of the revealed truths of an eternal God, the truths of faith and the truths of reason. Why take a stand? Why not live quietly with our faith? Well, certainly some are called to a life of prayer and solitude, but most are called to a life that requires daily interaction with people, some who are not believers and probably most who are not Catholic.”
While a majority of Clarifying Catholicism’s writers are college students, our website has an immense amount of resources pertaining to apologetics geared towards young people and novices to Theology. Staffed by over 140 writers from 10 different schools (banner is outdated), we can guarantee that we’ve written on a topic you might be interested in!
Fr. Z’s Blog
“Clear, straight commentary on Catholic issues, liturgy and life by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf”
“I had long toyed with the idea of blogging. This itch had been held firmly in check by the conviction that a blogger should be one of two things: either a very interesting person or at least someone with something very interesting to say. Ideally, one is both. Fearing myself neither of these things, I contented myself with wearing out my local archbishop, pastor, friends and family with my screeds over developments in the Church, especially during these past few years following the issuance of Amoris Laetitia. Yet, an article published in Vatican Insider on the La Stampa website prompted me – against my better judgment that I lacked both of the aforementioned qualities – to enter the blogosphere to comment on the events of our time with my initial blog article”
Stephen Ray is a convert Biblical scholar and apologist. He has hosted several programs pertaining to pilgrimages which are world-renowned.
“Scott is a Louisiana attorney and lover of all things Catholic: the wisdom of the Saints, the Eucharist, and the Blessed mother, and especially the King of Kings, as well as all the hidden connections between history, scripture, culture, and theology.”
“The American Catholic is an online community of Christians, motivated by a rich heritage of Catholic spiritual and intellectual tradition, seeking to engage American society and culture in pursuit of the common good. Following the Second Vatican Council’s ecclesial call for greater Christian witness in contemporary society, we are dedicated to the renewal and “Christian animation of the temporal order.” We are all deeply inspired by our Catholic faith and seek authentic sacramental lives centered upon the “broken bread” of the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Christian life.”
“The Newsman blog is where Tito Edwards will be posting literary appetizers related to FŒDVS, Big Pulpit, & The Samizdat Herald.”

“Hi, I’m Patrick Coffin. I wrote Sex Au Naturel: What It Is and Why It’s Good For Your Marriage, (link to our store on and the e-booklet, Stay Cool When the Argument Heats Up: Proven Strategies for Calm Conversing. For nearly eight years I hosted the top-rated Catholic radio show in America, Catholic Answers Live, and the podcast, Catholic Answers Focus.
My mission is to inspire and support people of faith—and of reason—who are tired of the increasingly aggressive secularism and political correctness that surrounds them. We do this through unfiltered commentary and interviews with sages of the great Judeo-Christian tradition (thought leaders and influencers) and with survivors (heroes who have stood up to the bullying elites).”
Of Intellect and Interest
“Of Intellect and Interest was created in 2017, founded by John Tuttle, as a place to foster original think pieces, blogs, and creative non-fiction. Here he writes on such varied topics as entertainment, science, health, history, writing, news, etc. Follow the Of Intellect and Interest blog to get updates on the latest articles.”
One Mad Mom
“Who is One Mad Mom? She’s a Catholic, homeschool mom from the insane (but gorgeous) state of California. Why anonymous? She remains anonymous because her husband and children would like plausible deniability. Since she has to live with them, she will remain so. She also wishes not be ejected from her social circles by those who struggle to understand her outstanding sarcasm and witty banter. At the same time, she wishes to combat anti-Catholic lunacy within the Church and society at large.”
“I received my undergraduate degree in physics and doctorate in Theoretical Physics from the University of Oxford. Since then, I have held research positions in Germany and South Korea, before moving back to the UK towards the end of 2015. I have been researching and teaching fundamental particle physics for about 15 years, with over fifty academic publications and numerous presentations at conferences and seminars. My area of research involves theoretical computer simulations of the fundamental physical theory of quantum field theory, which is a merger between quantum mechanics and special relativity, and the basis of our current best theories of physics. I have taught courses on, among others, relativistic quantum mechanics, general relativity and quantum field theory. I have had an amateur interest in classical philosophy since first studying the writings of Thomas Aquinas when I was a graduate student. That inspired me to read and research Plato, Aristotle, and more modern writers in the Thomist tradition (with the most influential being Edward Feser, David Oderberg, and Étienne Gilson). I thus have a good knowledge of classical philosophy to go along with my expert knowledge of fundamental physics.”
“The Way of Beauty is about the culture in the broadest sense of the word. It is therefore, about how we live our lives in every aspect. It is a way of life. The aim of this site is through its articles, media and advertised courses is to inspire devotion to and guidance on The Way of Beauty. This is the most attractive and joyful way of life, because it is the most direct path to God. Our teacher and guide is Western tradition. We hope inspire people to follow The Way of Beauty by describe both high culture and simple everyday living, past and present, that reflect it.”
“IGNITUM TODAY … is a website co-founded by Tito Edwards and Stacy Trasancos in 2011 for young adults who wanted to evangelize through writing. Lots of people were starting blogs, the blog-boom if you will, and we wanted to offer a platform for bloggers to unite and gain exposure.”