Essay Contest Timeline
- Essays are sorted into five categories: Moral, Systematic, Liturgical, Biblical, and Historical Theology.
- Each Category Judge scores their respective essays. Some essays are selected for publication as blog articles, three essays are selected for consideration for publication in our journal and prize money, and other essays are declined for publication altogether.
- Entrants are alerted
- A second panel of Publication Judges scores the top three essays from each category. The three Publication Judges’ scores are tallied, and the top scoring essay in each category, as well as one “wild-card” essay and a creative essay/artwork are published in a special section of this website. That is a total of SEVEN essays.
- The top three scoring essays win $100, $50, and $25, respectively. The other journal publication winners win $20 each.
Category Judges
Mary Boneno: Moral Theology
Maureen Francois: Systematic Theology
Maureen is a 2020 graduate of Benedictine College, holding a BA in Evangelization and Catechesis. She currently works as a Foster Care Caseworker in Omaha, Nebraska, and serves as an editor for Clarifying Catholicism. In her spare time she enjoys reading, binge watching The Office, making coffee, going on long walks, and playing the ukulele.
Ariel Hobbs: Liturgical Theology
Joshua Orsi: Biblical Theology
Joshua Orsi is a graduate student at the Catholic University of America, where he is presently completing a Baccalaureate of Sacred Theology. He holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Messiah University, where he converted to Catholicism his freshman year. He has a keen interest, in particular, in ecclesiastical history and the development of doctrine and is an appreciative reader of the works of Msgr. Philip Hughes and Cardinal Yves Congar. Presently Joshua lives and works for the summer in Theological College, the national diocesan seminary of Catholic University, where he intends to pursue, among other activities, a deeper study of classical languages.