Christians, Jews, Atheists, and More: Ten Petitions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Angelica Brice

As we continue to reflect on the events of the Triduum, let us remember the Good Friday Liturgy celebrated today.  A part of today’s liturgy sometimes overlooked is the intercessions prayed after the readings.  The ten petitions include those for the Church, all her members, and those about to be initiated into the Church at Easter.  Then the intercessions turn to focus on those outside the Church including all Christians, the Jewish people, and those who do not believe in God.  The final petition is for anyone in trial and tribulation.  These petitions reflect the focus of the Church as a whole on the care of her flock, outreach to those outside it, and ministry to all people.  Through her ministers she, like Christ, is a friend to those in need and a shelter for those in danger.  The Church places no blame on Jews of the past or present for the death of the Lord, and seeks only for all people to be unified in the quest for God.

Another theme for our reflection is that of sacrifice.  Jesus of course made the ultimate sacrifice by giving His life for our redemption.  But He was not the only one sacrificing that afternoon just outside Jerusalem.  The Blessed Mother suffered greatly watching the torture and death of her son, as well as the other women and the beloved disciple.  St. Veronica who wiped the face of Jesus, also sacrificed to be present to Him during His Passion, at great personal risk.  What sacrifice can we make for Jesus today to honor His sacrifice for us?  We may not be asked to give our lives for Christ the way He gave His for us, but what little things can we do to imitate St. Veronica and be present to Christ as we remember his suffering today?

-Angelica Brice, Columnist

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